Home Wellbeing at its best, in GREENFIELD Băneasa

30Aug2021 Home Wellbeing at its best, in GREENFIELD Băneasa

Wellbeing at home means both the specific space of the home and the immediate proximity, the facilities you have at your disposal, the accessibility to them and the other points of interest, but also the overall perspective, respectively the quality of the community you belong to and to whom you associate with through norms, values, activities and objectives.

Relationship with the community

Community wellbeing aims at topics of interest within the common housing context, but also the common activities that define the members of the community thus created.

Usually, communities are created around points of relaxation and interaction: parks, playgrounds, meeting places where people can spend time with neighbours. In GREENFIELD, Community wellbeing is a differentiator that, in terms of the offered facilities and the mission that the community has acquired, transforms a good life into an exceptional one! GREENFIELD's mission is to provide residents with a healthy lifestyle, in a natural setting, but also specially created to encourage relaxation, play and outdoor sports, with care for the environment and a constant concern for improving the quality of life.

Being active in GREENFIELD community is a plus of wellbeing and civility. Here you have the chance, together with community members, to participate in sports competitions, to do plogging - to clear the forest by moving and to help the birds in the forest to pass the winter more easily, when you build houses in the trees.


Wellness areas that contribute to wellbeing

Home wellbeing at its best involve especially the wellness spaces. In addition to sports fields and parks, Greenfield Plaza will have an extensive wellness and sports area, spread over 2,700 square meters, which will include a spa, semi-Olympic pool and outdoor pool, for the wellbeing of the residents.

HOME in Greenfield you disconnect from the urban bustle. Embrace a new lifestyle, an integrated concept of home wellbeing that will make a difference in the physical and mental health of you and your family!

And if what we have mentioned so far are pertinent suggestions for meaningful decisions - such as how to choose a home, we must remember you not to forget the micro - daily choices, which form habits and determine the wellbeing you feel every day.


Eat – Pray – Love

Remember that home wellbeing, once you have chosen the perfect home and organized it properly, means knowing how to make harmony in your life. Here's what you need to do to feel good every day: eat healthy, exercise, pray or believe strongly in something, love, help, be grateful, learn something new, ask and offer advice and rest.And because in GREENFIELD you have so many ways to experience relaxation, do not forget the Italian custom: il dolce far niente -that will contribute significantly to your mental wellbeing.

Embrace an integrated home wellbeing concept and then learn how to arrange your Home-Wellbeing spirit. 

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